1st PRIZECall for projects Idensitat Calaf / Manresa 05 - Art searching for new ways of social implication

Program Participatory design, garden for a recreational center for elders
Team 2A+P Architettura (Gianfranco Bombaci, Domenico Cannistraci, Pietro Chiodi, Matteo Costanzo, Valerio Franzone)
Client Idensitat, Municipality of Calaf
Location Calaf, Spain
Area 481 m2
Year 2005 Completed 2007
Photographer: Xavier Gil Dalmau
Link: Lugar Especfíco on

Lugar Especfíco is a garden no one ever saw before… Its secrecy makes it a tiny nature reserve, a shelter for birds and small animals. It is a green area characterized by elements belonging to the history of the western garden, a place belonging to the tradition of the giardino all’italiana.
… In the centre of the small village of Calaf, hidden by high walls, there’s a secret garden whose existence is unknown to the most.
It is a weird story about a place donated to the municipality by an elderly lady with the only term that it would have been used by and for the elderly people of the village.
Lugar Especfíco is represented by the will to make this garden a public space for elderly people, a place of sharing where to spend the day playing and relaxing.