2G Ideas Competition - Venice Lagoon Park

Program Public park: Venice Lagoon Park and Urban Park in Sacca San Mattia (Murano)
Team 2A+P Architettura (Gianfranco Bombaci, Domenico Cannistraci, Pietro Chiodi, Matteo Costanzo, Valerio Franzone)
Client GG - Editorial Gustavo Gili
Location Venice, Italy
Area Venetian Lagoon 550 km2; Urban Park 356.000 m2
Year 2007
Map Of The Voids is an archipelago of landscape elements capable to start a reversible destiny and to encourage the use of the Venice lagoon as a public and recreational place to discover: a great resource that is not just linked to its environmental value but that is also a potential amplifier for the social and economical dynamics of Venice.
The park of the lagoon becomes the centre of this infrastructural net taking the shape of a large natural wood setting itself against the artificiality of Venice. It’s a new soil saturated of trees, as a metaphor of the contemporary city, where the public spaces are more and more enclosed in big boxes like new urban monuments.