1st PRIZE“Città: Third Millenium” International Competition of Ideas
7th International Architecture Exhibition "Città: Less Aesthetics, More Ethics" la Biennale di Venezia
Program Visions for the City of the Third Millennium
Team 2A+P (Domenico Cannistraci, Pietro Chiodi, Matteo Costanzo, Valerio Franzone)
Client Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia
Location Earth
Area 148.939.063 km2 (land = 29.2% of the total Earth surface)
Year 2000
Links Sand-City on parole, a project by gruppo A12, Udo Noll, and Peter Scupelli
Sand-City, review by Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi
Sand-City is an infrastructure that invades the spaces of the city, re-imagining urban landscape. This new urban soil contains life, pauses, information, nature, different kinds of events. A topographic surface is superimposed to the print of the city, now just a simple container of volumes.
Sand-City is a continuous city that merges itself with nature. It is in a state of mutation, showing the traces of the atmospheric agents, of everyday life, of the city itself. The citizen of the third millennium uses the urban space as a place for inter-relations, relaxing, doing sports, resting, relegating moments of activity and of working in the domestic environment.
The city is not anymore the place of movements, of changing place, but the lounge where to consume life. To get back to the urban space by walking, by climbing it, by running, by slipping, by discovering it, by recognizing it, by using it, by taking possession of it…